Sinead O'Connor ©Getty Images

Sinead O'Connor

Né(e) le : 08/12/1966

Décédé(e) le : 26/07/2023

Nom de naissance : Sinead O'Connor

Signe : Sagittaire

Pays de naissance : Irlande

Genre musical : pop-rock , Rock , Reggae




  1. We People Who Are Darker Than Blue
  2. Something Beautiful
  3. Out of the Depths
  4. Dark I Am Yet Lovely
  5. If You Had A Vineyard
  6. Watcher of Men
  7. 33
  8. The Glory of Jah
  9. Whomsoever Dwells
  10. Rivers of Babylon
  11. Hosanna Filio David
  12. Something Beautiful
  13. We People Who Are Darker Than Blue
  14. Out of the Depths
  15. 33
  16. Dark I Am Yet Lovely
  17. I Don’t Know How To Love Him
  18. If You Had A Vineyard
  19. The Glory of Jah
  20. Watcher of Men
  21. Whomsoever Dwells
  22. Rivers of Babylon