Lenny Kravitz - Fiche ©Mathieu Bitton / Virgin Records

Lenny Kravitz

Né(e) le : 25/05/1964

Nom de naissance : Leonard Albert Kravitz

Signe : Gémeaux

Pays de naissance : États-Unis

Genre musical : Rock , pop-rock , Funk , Reggae , Soul

It Is Time for a Love Revolution

It Is Time for a Love Revolution

It Is Time for a Love Revolution

  1. Love Revolution
  2. Bring It On
  3. Good Morning
  4. Love Love Love
  5. If You Want It
  6. I'll Be Waiting
  7. Will You Marry Me
  8. I Love the Rain
  9. A Long and Sad Goodbye
  10. Dancin' Til Dawn
  11. This Moment Is All There Is
  12. A New Door
  13. Back In Vietnam
  14. I Want To Go Home
  15. Spinning Around Over You
  16. Another Life (Bonus Track)